Well simply put I'm recovering from a heart attack which left me unable to work and at home all day with nothing to do. Yes I do team up with Hellstorm when possible but most of the day they are not online leaving me with random blueberries. Even at that, no player should have to put up with hours of being red lined. There is no fun in being slaughtered time and time again which is something CCP desperately needs to address if it wishes to gain new players and have dust survive. The frustration I feel is shared by many. Leaving Dust is also a health consideration for myself in regards to my heart. Too much stress and not enough fun.
Ah so much concern for my belongings.
Well no worries folks my friend has been taken very good care of

As for mini guns, yes they are still around but you see just as many if not more heavies using light weapons in place of heavy ones which shows something is seriously wrong. Sniper rifles and assault rifles are most common but I've seen laser rifles and even shot guns.
The heavy with mini gun is supposed to be the premier anti infantry build, but in the end both are an epic fail.
The mini gun has no range, it over heats, takes a year to reload, has such a large dispersal on it's bullets that it's outclassed by most light weapons, and it has a huge aiming circle better served in a circus rather than iron sights.
I think assault rifles and damage mods both should be slagged. Getting red lined over and over, all thanks to proto rifles, damage mods, and that dumb aim assist.
As for hacking I'm getting real tired of people saying it doesn't exist. Lag switching is out there. See it all the time.
Start shooting some guy and bam, he's lag bouncing all over. Even seen a tank do it yesterday. Got it close to death and bam! Instant lag which magically stopped once his rippers did their work. No lag switching.... Yeah right buddy.
I watched guys in pub and pc matches run around behind the red line with impunity. No 20 second limit for them..... hmmm..
I've seen ARS & Mass Drivers fire off rounds faster than they should. I've used those weapons, I know.
I've listened to fellow squad members say the same thing.
I've run with experienced proto squads, and we know when funky stuff is going down.
We enter a map, game freezes for a moment and we head for town and bam!
Reds on every roof.
No drop ships called in and yet some how they magically made it up on them roof tops.
Then there is my favorite. You case some guy around a corner and he disappears completely. No where to go, no where to hide. You look all over but no enemy arrow anywhere. So you turn to leave and he's instantly behind you shooting you in the back of the head. Poof!! Magically appears out of empty dead end hallway.
On the point of punishing hackers, not going to happen. Been playing for decades and it's always the same deal. Unless its something big like that denial of service attack, they don't chase hackers.
It takes time and money to track them.
Internet laws differ from country to country, if they exist at all.
Finally, most are minors which means you can't prosecute them to begin with.
So there we have it.
Not like any of this matters since nobody from CCP will ever read it or do anything useful about it.
Game just keeps getting worse and worse with every update.
I'm frustrated and tired of wasting time and AUR just to be used for target practice